
Three Simple Steps for a Perfect Photography

Friday, November 27, 2015

Well, We all Want to make our Photography to be a Perfect Click. Sometimes it may the best than what we expect and sometimes it may NOT.
We generally don't plan to make a perfect photo clicks. If I saw something interesting (Not all things we are interested about. Right!) or it makes me to think for a nano second that leads to CLICK.
Sometimes we plan to make a Perfect Shot and we'll wait for hours and days too. But some clicks happens in a moment, takes less than 1 sec to See, 2 secs to think and 3 secs to Click(Only if the Camera is with us. Just Kidding).

Here, What I can say is that a Perfect Photograph depends on "KARTHA-KARMA-KRIYA".
The 3 things to make a #PerfectPhotograph.

Kartha - The Performer:
Eyes, act as the Performer, which let me to stop for a moment and makes me to think about the object.

Kriya - Method/Implementation:
Here, Mind decides What and How to Implement. Internally, it creates a blueprint of the Photograph and makes you act upon it. It puts my thoughts into Action.

Karma- The Consequence:
The Result, depends on how we made it and also including the other internal/external factors of the situation.

When these 3 happens in a perfect time, the result is a #PerfectPhotograph

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