Hug Hard - Live Long | National Hugging Day
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Kevin Zaborney is credited with coming up with the idea of National Hug Day in 1986. It was included in Chase's Calendar of Events; Zaborney's partner at the time was the granddaughter of the proprietors of the publication. He chose January 21 as it fell between the Christmas and New Year's Holidays and Valentine's Day and birthdays when he thought people are generally in low spirits. Zaborney considered that "American society is embarrassed to show feelings in public" and hoped that a International Hugging Day would change that, although he thought that his idea would fail.
So invite your girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend or all your friends you want to give a big hug :)
"Because it's one of the best feelings in the word to hug someone you like and they hug you back even Tighter"
Benefits of Hugging:
Studies have shown that human contact has many health benefits. It has been found that human contact improves both psychological and physical development. Hugging can also help build a good immune system, decrease the risk of heart disease, and decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol in women. It has been shown that a couple who hugs for 20 seconds has higher levels of oxytocin, and that those who were in a loving relationship exhibited a highest increase. According to the American Psychosomatic Society, a hug or 10 minutes of holding hands with a romantic partner can help reduce stress, and its harmful physical effects.
In a study, adults who had no contact with people had higher blood pressure and heart rate. Other studies have indicated that the
touch of a friend might not be as helpful as the touch of a partner but should not be avoided.
7 Reasons why we should be giving more Hugs:
- They make us feel good.
- More hugs = lower blood pressure.
- They may alleviate our fears.
- Hugging can be good for our hearts.
- Adults can benefit from hugging the most.
- Hugs are a natural stress reliever.
- Well-hugged babies are less stressed as adults.
Virginia Satir, a respected family therapist, says “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for
maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”
Types of Hugs
1. The Buddy Type of Hug:

When your friend wraps you from the side and slaps your back that is a buddy hug. It is generally a “we are friends” kind of hug.
2. The Sleepy Shoulder Type of Hug:

This is a pleasant moment for both the guy and the girl. You are both wrapped into each other’s arms and the girl rests her shoulder on your head.
3. Polite Kind of Hug:

In other words, this is a formal hug. This is more like a hug just for the sake of it. You both will hug each other while attempting not to touch each other. There would be a polite smile on the face while hugging.
4. The Bear Kind of Hug:

This is one of the best illustrations of hug. It is when you both are absolutely delighted to see each other after a long time and don’t wish to leave the other, that this hug occurs.
5. Quickie Type of Hug:

One of those type of hugs where you quickly squeeze the other into a hug and move on to the other direction. Well, this hug is all because of the excitement.
6. Un-reciprocated Hug:

This hug is dreaded by one and all. While you are hugging the other person stands like a statue with his/her hands down.
7. Snuggle Type of Hug:

While in front of the TV or a fireplace, when you are snuggled into each other’s arms, comes out the most beautiful hug.
8. Squeeze Hug:

This is a passionate hug, the thank you hug, the happy hug! It conveys a lot of messages but is felt deep within and is one of the most emotional hugs.
Happy Hugging Day :)
Give a Hug and Be Happy & Healthier :)
Source: Wikipedia, Boldsky, Mindbodygreen, huffintonpost.